We need your help to ensure this database is as accurate & exhaustive as possible! We welcome new submissions to the database so that it can be as complete as possible. Is your program, group, etc. missing or in need of updating? You can use the following entry forms to add, edit or delete entries! After we review new submissions (reserving the right to make minor edits for consistency and clarity), they will be added to the public database.
We review new submissions at least once per academic quarter. If you need us to update your entry on a shorter timescale, or if you have any urgent questions, you can emailccid2009@caltech.edu
Programs and Organizations Entry Form - Any programs, student groups, and committees that promote a more accessible, diverse, equitable and inclusive community, as well as documents shared by the program/organization that might help related programs.
People Entry Form - People holding leadership roles in any programs, organizations, groups or offices with IDEA efforts.
Adding a new entry: Please do a quick search of the tables first to make sure it has not been entered already.
Editing an existing entry: You can choose an exiting entry to edit and also select the specific field(s) you want to update (all unselected fields will remain unchanged). Please note that changes to a given field will overwrite existing information rather than be appended. Please use the existing record as reference as you update your record.
Deleting an entry: Just select the record you would like to delete and provide a reason.
The entry forms also contain more detailed instructions to guide you.
Made a mistake? Submit a new form, and mark it as an edit entry.
Caltech's IDEA-focused programming, support structures, and campus organizations are open to anyone in the campus community, regardless of race, national origin, sex, gender identity, sexual identity, and/or any other protected characteristic.